sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

Quests de itens Free! Quests E de Good e Evil Reputation!

Oberon’s Bouquet: Vá para /join arcangrove e derrote Seedpitters/join farm e derrote Scarecrows/join sandsea e derrote Cactus Creepers e Desert Vases até completar a quest.
300 Gold Exp 800 Good Rep. Points.
Item: Love Hurts
Pygmalian’s Ivory Lady: Vá para /join arcangrove e derrote Gorillaphants/join greenguardwest e derrote Spiders/join waterstorm e derrote Living Waters até completar a quest.
350 Gold Exp 400 Good Rep. Points.
The Ring of Shakuntala: Vá para /join montainpath e derrote Ore Balboas/join bloodtusk e destrua Crystal Rocks/join mobius e derrote Fire Imps/join marsh e derrote Dark Witch até completar a quest.
400 Gold Exp 400 Evil Rep. Points.
Item: Dark Love Staff (Member)
Love Letters of Solitude: Vá para /join sleuthhound e derrote Tables/join boxes e derrote Box Guardians/join bloodtusk e destrua Trollola Plants/join marsh2 e derrote SoulSeeker até completar a quest.
450 Gold Exp 700 Evil Rep. Points.
Bauci’s Pitcher: Vá para /join earthstorm e derrote Earth Elementals/join pines e derrote Pine Trolls até completar a quest.
250 Gold Exp 650 Good Rep. Points.
Item: Love Hurts

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